And here is the code:
function shili02
'position',[200 150 450 350],...
grid on
function shili02 %this indicate the function's name is shili02
h0=figure('toolbar','none',... %
'position',[200 150 450 350],...%opening a figure window and manipulate the figure
'name','example2');% properties (further detail see example 1)
x=-pi:0.05:pi; %x=-3.14159265, then adding -3.14159265+0.05, continue the adding 0.05 %until x=3.14159265
plot(x,y,'-*r','linewidth',1);%plotting x and y but letting the line making of * and red in colour
% and the line width is 1
you can change the '-*r' according to below reference
- solid
: dotted
-. dashdot
-- dashed
(none) no line
o circle
x x-mark
+ plus
* star
s square
d diamond
v triangle (down)
^ triangle (up)
< triangle (left)
> triangle (right)
p pentagram
h hexagram
b = blue
g = green
r = red
c = cyan
m = magenta
y = yellow
k = black
w = white
grid on
xlabel('×'); % labeling X the graph at x axis; you can change the name 'X' to anything you like
ylabel('Y'); %labeling Y the graph at Y axis; you can change the name 'Y' to anything you like
title('y=sin(x)+cos(x)'); %title of the graph, that is y=sin(x)+cos(x)
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